
I didn't plan to write anything on this blog right now, but i just found something interesting, from the internet, of course (where else we can find facts and informations as cheap as it could be?).

So, what did I find? Well, look up at this title: Prianka. Hahahahahaha. I just found another Prianka. It was not that interesting since I already had a friend named Donda Priyankha and I also already knew about Priyanka Chopra, the pretty Indian artist. Oh, maybe this is more interesting: Wahyuni Priyanka "something". It's the combination of my name and my friend's name; Wahyuni Permata.

(Suddenly, I think that this topic is as interesting as watching a cow sleeps for you since most of you don't have Prianka in your names, but well, I just want to share :P )

So, back to the beginning, what did I find? I found a heello account (I don't know what that is either) named Dea Prianka and she desribed herself as curious, clumsy, adventurous, full of laziness and boredom, rhotacism, caring, and daring.


I think I'm curious enough but my curiousity doesn't really bring me into 'stalking thing' :p, so I won't describe myself as curious. But, well, to be honest, hmm, I admit myself as clumsy -- how many times I've lost my goods, how many times I didn't bring my wallet to college :/

Adventurous >> obviously, I wrote it for describing me in this blog account!

About full of laziness... I'm not lazy, I pay attention at class, I study well (haha) but still, how many times I mentioned about me being 'mager' in this blog? Mager >>>> males gerak, it contains the word 'males' a.k.a lazy. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, I need to start MOVING. -___-

Nah, I don't consider myself as a boredom. I can tell I am almost always excited :P

And rhotacism. Me too! Me too! Are every priankas born to be a rhotacism? Hahahahahaha. Anyway, honestly, I'm a bit ashamed of being a rhotacism SO let's just not talk about it!

The last; caring and daring. I don't really care about this Prianka writing about caring and daring because I'm already amazed with the similarities we share, dear Dea Prianka. It first excited me (so I decided to write about it here), but now I feel I am no longer original.

I thought I'm gonna be the only girl Prianka in this world :P


prianka12 said...

LOL. Google got me here. So this is me, Dea prianka. The girl that you stalked hahaha. Kinda creepy you know when i first saw it at the google results. Haha. Nice to meet you, another Prianka